TVMAGAZINE:Create a Professional Development Plan

Interview with Prof.Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic ,October 3,2010.Interview conducted by Lily Chambers. The second part of the interview is published in November issue.

By: Lily Chambers


Dr. Mirjana Radović-Marković is a full professor of Entrepreneurship. She holds B.Sc, M.Sc. and Ph.D Degrees in Economics, as well as Post Doctoral Studies in Multidisciplinary Studies. In addition, she holds the Honorary Doctorate of Science (D.Sc) awarded by St. James the Elder Theological Seminary, Tennessee, US, 2010 and the Honorary Doctorate of Letters (D.Litt) awarded by the Academy of Universal Global Peace, Chennai, India, 2010. The awarding committees cited Dr. Radović-Marković for having served the world community with outstanding research in Economics and Women’s Entrepreneurship. She has written twenty books and more than a hundred peer Journal Articles. Professor Radović-Marković`s new book is WOMEN IN BUSINESS: Theory, Practice and Flexible Approaches, published by Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd, 2009, London, UK. Professor Radović-Marković is a founder and editor in chief of Peer Journal of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education (JWE) and editor in chief of Economic Analysis (EA).

Dr. Radović-Marković, what prior knowledge and experience do you think someone should have before attempting this path?

A widely spread, however not tested opinion is that a previous work experience is the key precondition for good decision-making and success in business. Nevertheless, certain examples from practice prove that, although the previous experience does seem to be important, it is by no means decisive in achieving business success. The extent to which the work experience and the knowledge acquired in the course of education process are crucial in achieving business success, however, largely depends on the type of activity we deal with. For example, in industries based on highly developed modern technology and scientific processes (genetic engineering, biotechnology, biochemistry and the like) the previously acquired education is more important than the previous work experience. Regardless of the fact that the level of technological and technical knowledge varies from one industry branch to another, I would point out that the knowledge in the field of management is equally important for any industries and types of business. Sadly, this knowledge is too often neglected, which proved to be the key factor of failure in a large number of businesses.
What are some causes for failure that you have observed in entrepreneurs who have not been successful?
When starting up a business, a majority of unsuccessful entrepreneurs do not know in advance what problems they will encounter. Hence, they need a feasibility study to understand that business should not be started just because of someone’s wish and affinity for a certain type of activity, but because of objective chances for the business to succeed. For example, in case of women entrepreneurs, when it comes to decision making, many of them rely on their women’s intuition, which may be important, but is not sufficient. On the contrary, it would be more useful if they consulted not only the experts, but also the people that already run firms with a similar business orientation. By merely observing the best in the job a lot of errors in business can be avoided and unnecessary costs and losses can be minimized.
One of the main reasons many entrepreneurs fail to fulfill their business ambitions is also reflected in the fact that when entering the business they do not determine the necessary time span for the organization and execution of the job, which should be done in advance. Very often, they happen to be much more engrossed in new jobs than they actually have or want to devote the amount of time for that purpose. We therefore suggest that they devote the first six months in the new business exclusively to business operations at hand, putting it above any other obligations and activities. The entrepreneurs who are not entirely committed to their work, especially in the initial phase, when the business has to be properly set up, cannot expect to succeed.

What qualities does a “star performer” as an entrepreneur possess?

The entrepreneurs’ role and characteristics have changed in time, with the economic, social, and other changes in the society. The modern entrepreneurs are characterized by the following qualities:
They have the previous work experience•
They are by a rule highly educated, • graduated from a faculty of humanities
They are highly motivated to prove • themselves in business and earn high profits
They command excellent computer • knowledge
They have great work energy and are well • organized at work
They are highly self-confident and work-• responsible
Their communication skills are excellent•
They prefer moderate business risk•
They are well informed about their • competition
They are future oriented, and turn to the • past only when they want to learn from some previous business experience.

What books/magazines or other educational materials would you recommend for someone just starting out?

Although I have written twenty books in this field, I would certainly recommend the one that was published in India only recently, ”Women Entrepreneurs: New Opportunities and Challenges”, IA Books, Delhi, India, 2009, 206 pp. available on the Internet . This book provides the best answers to many of the above-quoted questions and can be useful for those that are about to start up their own business or are interested in how to conduct the already going business properly. Besides, it is rather practical and offers any advice and instructions and you do not need to be highly knowledgeable in this field to understand all of it. I will also recommend two other books I mentioned above, as well as the book ”The Perspective Of Women’s Entrepreneurship In The Age Of Globalization”, IAP ,US,2007, 216 pp. This and some other more recent books I wrote can be found on a link where their contents are presented.
I will take this opportunity to announce my new book, “Modern Entrepreneurship” for the publication of which I have recently signed a contract with my favorite publisher in America - Information Age Publishing Co., who also published my previously mentioned book. I would also like to recommend some of my scientific works and papers, such as ”Managing the organizational change and culture in the age of globalization.” Journal of Business Economics & Management. 2008. 9(1): 3-11.“, which is included into the program of Victoria University of Houston, Texas, US (MGT 4315 Globalization) or can be found in the journal. This paper can also be found in their library. I would certainly like to invite all those interested in the entrepreneurship issues to read the ”Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education” (JWE), the journal whose editor-in-chief I am. And, of course, your magazine.

This concludes the second half of the interview with Professor Radović-Marković. The first half of the interview was published in the October issue of TVE Magazine.
We would like to once more thank Dr. Radović-Marković for taking the time to answer our questions. We firmly believe that by furthering the opportunities given to women entrepreneurs, we will continue to see great strides made toward creating a strong global economy and a chance for many more women to make a good life for themselves and their families.
Interview With An Educator

Create a Professional Development Plan .Go to link I, Issue 1 June/July 2010 .It is the best guide for your career.Enjoy great magazine full of good ideas!

The Balancing Act for Women

Radio Program- American radio program devoted to women.

March 24, 2008 - Entrepreneurship - historical perspective of women entrepreneurs

This program is about the historical perspective of women entrepreneurs. We will provide the accounts of Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, PhD who is a native of Belgrade. Mirjana is Director of Master Studies in Entrepreneurship for Women at Akamai University. She has twice won a scholarship from the United Nations for her studies in Russia and India. Mirjana has 25 years of experience in the labor field. She has published ten books on Entrepreneurship. Her titles include, “Entrepreneurship: Theoretical and Practical Guide on all Aspects for Starting up the Small Business” and “The Perspective of Women`s Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization,” which are recommended books in several U.S. Universities. Mirjana is a researcher for international organizations and she has been nominated for the 2006 Enterprising Woman and Gobal Summit of Women Award. She is also a member of a scientist’s advisory board. Her roughly 100 articles, reviews, and essays include, “Women’s Entrepreneurship Spirit through History.”

An Interview with Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic,Full Lee Bender, Ph.D.

Historical Perspective of Women in Business

In an interview with Dr. Mirjana Radovic Markovic several questions were of particular interest in capturing her well established knowledge on the history of women in business.

What are some highlights from your historical work on women in business?

According to Mirjana’s research, it has historically been a long struggle for women in their self-realization as an exemplary mother and male companion, in addition to serving as a respected businessperson. Traditionally, women did not receive much support from their families, which typically acknowledged and rewarded only the traditional gender roles. Women in business were understandably lonely and misunderstood, often receiving disapproval in their intentions to prove themselves equally qualified and worthy among men.
As established models of society slowly evolved from the male-centered paradigm in business leadership, women established numerous global associations, whose mission it was to fight for women’s right to work and share equally in the cultural benefits. Usually women in these movements were unjustly characterized as “mannish” or with "excess male hormones." They were marked as deviant, not because of their need to be different from their mothers, but because they wanted to replace the kitchen and apron with the office, cellular telephone, and other modern gadgets of daily work. Women who managed to struggle against the prevailing worldview, to successfully join the modern social flows in the new way, were not fairly rewarded for their work, oftentimes being paid less for their work than their male counterparts at the same job level. They were passed over in promotions and they were disrespected within the employment hierarchy. Additionally, they were given undistinguished and lower status functions, and for the most part, denied any real opportunity to show their talents. Instead, women’s role in the business world was unjustly marginalized, which diminished their capabilities to creatively participate in business decision-making within their companies.
Those women who were most persistent in fighting for their rightful place in business and who wished to cross the traditional gender boundaries often paid the greatest price. They were forced to renounce their right to start a family, and because of the expectations of the upper levels of business, it was most often impossible to balance both business and family responsibilities. Thus, because of society’s slow response in providing social support mechanisms for working women, many who committed to full time employment turned their backs on family and suffered in their private lives, or they successfully adopted new, more popular forms of self-employment, the home business. With time, the home business has become the most acceptable business model for women raising children who refused to renounce their engagement with their profession.
For the most part, women who select the home business option are more effective at coordinating their roles as mother and realizing their dreams as successful businesspersons. The success of women in home business has influenced their self-respect and self-confidence. Now these women not only contribute to the family budget, they are also enabled to remain engaged with their responsibilities in properly raising their children and functioning as a wife within the marital relationship.
Although most home businesses remain small-scale ventures, many businesses started in the home expand into the community, as children grow and require less hands-on care. In fact, some global trends show that in the last decade of the 20th Century the numbers of female managers have increased significantly. Women lead many of the world’s largest companies with great success, changing dramatically the image of women in contributing effectively to the overall success of business.
With this proven success, women have altered the traditional perspective of the role of women in business. With the increased participation of women in business leadership completely new ways of business communication have been put in place and effective new business strategies and company development models have been proven. As a result, women infiltrating fields of business that were traditional men’s areas have used their advantages, durability, and persistence in work and, above all, intuition in making business decisions, thus further contributing new business advantages.

Where are the roots of women entrepreneurship?

Women were economically active since pre-history, although their part in the work force varied through from those days until today depending on the structure of needs, cultural, social, and other forms of a society. In Babylon in the year 2000 BC, women raised cattle alongside men. Besides that, they have been engaged in raising children, cooking, making clothes, and other similar jobs in countryside communities. Later, as cities developed, women started to work outside the home as market traders, laundresses, courtesans, and nurses. In ancient Greece, women who belonged to the upper class did not work, which was not the case with the poor, who usually worked as unqualified work force doing the hardest job. Instead of receiving money, they were given food and accommodations. They were without any protection or rights, which was the case in other ancient societies. Not before 14th century in England and France women who knew some of the crafts like tailoring and weaving were acknowledged equally as men who were in such roles as carpenters, tailors, and shoemakers. Only in the 18th and early 19th century, during Industrial revolution, did manufacturing begin to yield to industrial production.
With the development of factories, women began to compete with men for such jobs. However, they mostly opted for traditionally female jobs, which are less paid and less valued. Factory owners employed them in textile and similar industries because they are skilled workers, but they worked for 12 or more hours and for the lowest wages. This is the example of the ultimate exploitation of female work force in the early capitalist system, which has not only been void of women’s rights, but also had no union protection, as the unions represented only men. Many years later, in 1948, the International Labor Organization (ILO) brought a Convention of the employment policy, in which various forms of discrimination against women, including the opportunity for employment, were banned. Before this Convention, women had no rights compared to men. In spite of this convention, which argued for equal human rights, barriers still exist for women, and there is gender gap.

Where is the biggest gender gap?

There is widespread belief that the old "glass ceiling" has been cracked, with large numbers of women in business and middle management. In spite of advancements, this glass ceiling is still intact in many instances. There are still many companies that do not acknowledge that women can work as effectively as men and there are many limiting sexist and chauvinistic views pertaining to women running certain types of businesses.
According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), Women in Egypt are the furthest behind men in terms of economic equality. No country has closed the "gender gap" entirely. A new survey conducted by the WEF ranked nations on five criteria, including equal pay and access to jobs. Other factors were representation of women in decision-making structures, equal access to education, and access to reproductive healthcare. The WEF survey covered all 30 industrialized countries in the Paris-based Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), plus 28 emerging market countries.
Latin America has its share of poor performers, with Venezuela, Brazil, and Mexico all found to be among the worst 10. The problem here appears to be not the lack of opportunity once women have entered the workforce, but rather in giving them access to the educational training and basic rights, such as healthcare and political empowerment that would enable them to join the workforce, according to the WEF. The United States, the world's largest economy, came 17th in the WEF's equality table. In Europe, non-EU Switzerland scored relatively badly at number 34. It got a good rating on health and political empowerment, but fared less well on equal pay and women in the workforce. Italy and Greece have the worst rankings in the EU, at 45 and 50 respectively, mainly because of women's lack of decision-making power and poor career prospects.
Topping the WEF tables were Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, and Finland, which provide a "workable model" for the rest of the world, according to the WEF. It was really shocking to see how many other countries don't give women opportunities or respect as bestowed upon men in this day in age, concluded Mirjana. She also stressed that by overcoming recidivisms of still existing prejudices, customs,
and opinions, they have to fight not only to be recognized as women leaders, but in order to gain an equal place in the “business game” with men.
Are there specific historical figures that you feel have made significant inroads into women's entrepreneurship?

In spite of women’s great interest in business and career since ancient times, the advancement in their abilities to think and decide for themselves, and most importantly to make their own decisions, women were faced to a “boardroom barrier” and lack of opportunity for self-realization in their profession. Agnothica, for instance, was the daughter of the wealthiest man and a man of the highest standing in Athens. Accordingly, her father enabled her to study medicine and to become, according to historical sources, the first female doctor in the world. However, since the laws of that time did not allow women to study and to perform “men’s jobs,” she had to overcome many obstacles she faced from the time she decided to study medicine to the moment when she started medical practice. In order to overcome unjust law, she cut off her hair and put on men’s clothing. Disguised, she appeared as the famous doctors and professors of that time. Hyeropulous, who did not suspect anything, liked his hard-working and clever student.
After she finished her studies as the most talented student, Agnothica started to practice and quickly gained many patients among women, whom she told under oath that she was a woman. Due to her great popularity and numerous patients, other doctors accused Agnothica of deceiving patients. At the court of law her secret was revealed, which only increased her guilt. The court sentenced her not only to prison, but also to exile. When women from Athens learned about about Agnothicas treatment, they besieged Athens’s Senate for three days, until the Senate changed its verdict. Due to their demands, Agnothica was freed from any guilt and allowed to practice medicine legally. In addition, at the initiative of some female organizations, women were allowed to study and to be educated, which greatly improved their position at that time. In addition, Agnothica and her business formed the backbone of women’s entrepreneurship development.

How should be women’s entrepreneurship become empowered in the near future in developing countries?

As women entrepreneurship plays an important role in the development and growth of developed countries, the importance of promoting women in economic activities is being increasingly realized in all developing countries, too. Empowering women by bringing them into the mainstream of development and by improving their economic status and providing them with new employment opportunities for income generation, self-employment, and entrepreneurship in different socio-economic sectors is noticeable. Experience demonstrates that there are a large number of women in most developing countries, capable of and willing to be involved in economic activities. “An important tool of women empowerment is micro credit, which has been accepted as an effective tool for poverty alleviation and an approach to development,” said Mirjana. For example, women in Africa today represent 52% of population that is 805 million. Therefore, they should be seriously considered and investment made towards their education as well as in their employment in the formal sector of the economy. Micro credits are especially important for starting their own businesses, considering the increasing interest among women who tend to become or already are entrepreneurs.
According to United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 2004, it could be concluded that Africa has only 6% of the global female work force on higher positions, like managers and executives in larger companies. In addition, 23% of women in Africa work in service branches and 5% had employed in industry. Namely, women in Africa, work in agriculture and in food production and much less in non-agricultural branches. This is understandable, because there is on the one side the deficit of food in many African countries and on the other side, there is woman’s need to support and to help family to survive. Accordingly, women do very hard work without specified working hours on the estate, by doing household work, selling on the market, and the like. Regardless, African women still have not gained respect in society which they, by their work engagement, deserve. Beside difficult working conditions, African women face another problem. According to statistical data from Addis Ababa-based Economic Commission of Africa (ECA), around 58% of all African women are HIV infected. Despite this problem, a number of women still manage to fight for greater rights and to take part in politics. These women have
demonstrated their abilities and showed that they should be seriously considered as important in the political and economic spheres in their societies.

What is the impact of Globalization on gender roles?

In the book, “The Perspective of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization,” edited by Mirjana and published in 2007 by IAP, she concluded that globalization has had a major impact on gender roles. Many critics fear that globalization, in the sense of integration of a country into world society, will cause gender inequality. According to their opinion it may harm women in several ways:

1. Economically, through discrimination in favor of male workers, marginalization of women in unpaid or informal labor, exploitation of women in low-wage sweatshop settings, and/or impoverishment though loss of traditional sources of income.

2. Politically, through exclusion from the domestic political process and loss of control to global pressures.

3. Culturally, through loss of identity and autonomy to a hegemonic global culture.
Mirjana has quite a different opinion about the gender dimensions of globalization. She believes that the new technology and Internet have helped globalization, and believes that it should help lessen the gap between the rich and the poor, and between women and men. The internet has allowed knowledge to spread much faster than it was possible before. The knowledge allows people to take opportunities they could not have otherwise. There is now global interaction with groups of women talking about everything from how to handle domestic violence to how to start small businesses. In other words, it helps ideas spread through the world and allows ideas to be shared universally. Whereas it does allow ideas to be shared across the globe, it allows rich countries to spread ideas among themselves, leading to global knowledge furtherance, helping lower the gap between the rich and the poor and men and women. Shortly, globalization will give poor women and low educated women a brighter future.


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