
Showing posts from 2010

Important news

Prof.Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic has been elected as a fellow of RSA (Royal Society) on 1st December 2010,London ,UK The  Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce  ( RSA ) is a  British  multi-disciplinary institution, based in  London . The name  Royal Society of Arts  is frequently used for brevity (and on the building's frieze  The Royal Society of Arts  ). It was founded in 1754 and was granted a  Royal Charter  in 1847. Notable members have included  Benjamin Franklin , Karl Marx ,  Adam Smith ,  William Hogarth ,  John Diefenbaker ,  Stephen Hawking  and  Charles Dickens .

Prof.Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic ,gave lecture ,Oxford University

Prof.Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic,gave lecture on " Women and Social Entrepreneurship in Tackling Climate Change " , Said Business School ,Oxford University ,UK ,June ,2010.

Women in Business: Theory, Practice and Flexible Approaches

Recently published Book Women in Business: Theory,Practice and Flexibile Approach ,by Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic and Imani Silver Kyaruzi,London ,June 2010. go to link

Book promotion in Oxford

Book promotion ,"Women in Business: Theory, Practice and Flexible Approaches " ,By Mirjana Radovic Markovic and Imani Silver Kyaruzi ,Oxford ,Club "COCO " ,16 June,2010. Book promotion,club Coco with book co-author

NEW Books

  THE NEW ECONOMY : Challenges, Opportunities and Choices [Hardcover] Mirjana Radovic Markovic (ed) at al. ,Gelhi ,India ,2009. go to link Mirjana Radovic-Markovic WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS: New Opportunities and Challenges Mirjana Radović-Markovć (2009) Indo -American BOOKS ,Delhi,India go to link to read more about book Female Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Growth [Paperback] ,2010. Mirjana Radovic Markovic PhD (Author), Imani Silver Kyaruzi PhD (Author) Go to link below to see more details

TVMAGAZINE:Create a Professional Development Plan

Interview with Prof.Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic ,October 3,2010.Interview conducted by Lily Chambers. The second part of the interview is published in November issue. THE VIRTUAL EVOLUTION© PAGE 12 By: Lily Chambers PART TWO Dr. Mirjana Radović-Marković is a full professor of Entrepreneurship. She holds B.Sc, M.Sc. and Ph.D Degrees in Economics, as well as Post Doctoral Studies in Multidisciplinary Studies. In addition, she holds the Honorary Doctorate of Science (D.Sc) awarded by St. James the Elder Theological Seminary, Tennessee, US, 2010 and the Honorary Doctorate of Letters (D.Litt) awarded by the Academy of Universal Global Peace, Chennai, India, 2010. The awarding committees cited Dr. Radović-Marković for having served the world community with outstanding research in Economics and Women’s Entrepreneurship. She has written twenty books and more than a hundred peer Journal Articles. Professor Radović-Marković`s new book is WOMEN IN BUSINESS: Theory, Practi

Entrepreneurship:Types of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs

Review :Entrepreneurship:Types of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs Prof.Dr .Mirjana Radović-Marković Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, 2009 contact mail: Trying to perceive the versatile structure of entrepreneurship, we realize that this research area can be analyzed from several aspects. Whether we look at the entrepreneurship through the contribution it provides to economic growth, through job creation, competition growth or from the perspective of various forms in which it occurs, it is certain that it now includes all the creative aspects of human behavior and thinking, stimulates the development of ideas and enrich social needs. Looking back, its first manifestations maintained the structure that is recognizable today, and it used to adapt to time needs, market and social consciousness.Trying to perceive the versatile structure of entrepreneurship, we realize that this research area can be analyzed from several aspects. Whether we loo

Tekstovi Dr Mirjane Radovic-Markovic,objavljeni u casopisu GM Business & Lifestyle

Porodična preduzeća: Ključ opstanka i kontinuiteta Piše: prof. dr Mirjana Radović Marković izvor: Porodične firme su najuspešnije na listi Fortune 500. One predstavljaju tri četvrtine svih biznisa u Velikoj Britaniji, a slična situacija je i u mnogim drugim zemljama širom sveta. One imaju mnogo dužu tradiciju u poređenju sa firmama koje nisu u porodičnom vlasništvu. Takođe, duže opstaju i stabilnije su u svom poslovanju u odnosu na druge firme. Pored toga, porodične firme beleže mnogo bolje rezultate od onih koje nisu porodične. Na primer, u SADu oko 33% porodičnih firmi se nalazi među 500 najuspešnijih na spisku Fortune,  a u Kanadi je procenjeno da su porodične firme još 2003. godine ostvarivale 1,3 milijarde kanadskih dolara  i zapošljavale više od polovine aktivne radne snage. I u mnogim zemljama Evropske unije porodična preduzeća zapošljavaju više od 50% aktivne radne snage, što se može videti na primeru


BOOK PREVIEW: THE PERSPECTIVE OF WOMEN'S ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION (ISBN: 978-1-59311-770-2) Mirjana Radovic Markovic, editor and author of the book publisher IAP, Charlotte, USA ,September, 2007. * Corresponding author: This book, " The perspective of women's entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization" addresses the issue of female entrepreneurship development in the context of globalization. The authors take the position that entrepreneurship serves as a catalyst of economic development and globalization process has progressively reduced barriers to entrepreneurship and increased competition in the global market. Namely, important settings of inter-country cooperation in our times are the emergence of the phenomenon of globalization. Like an on-coming vehicle globalization cannot be stopped. However, we can influence its direction and we can prepare to use it as an instrument for improving the conditions of the greater

MOJA PUTOVANJA:Strani Univerziteti-Oksford

12. septembar 2010. Moje putovanje: Oksford Kako za studente, tako i za profesore, Oksford predstavlja poseban izazov i čast je naći se u instituciji koja ima više od osam vekova dugu tradiciju visokoškolskog obrazovanja. Izvor: Gloria Profesorka ekonomije i glavna urednica časopisa ‘Economic analysis’ Mirjana Radović-Marković tokom radnog boravka u univerzitetskim centru s tradicijom obrazovanja dugom osam vekova upoznala je ulice i građevine koje su inspirisale Tolkina da napiše svoje najpoznatije knjige, ustanovila je kako klasika i modernizam mogu harmonično da se dopunjuju, upoznala bogatstvo jednog od najstarijih muzeja na svetu i uverila se da britanska kuhinja nije jednolična. Pominjanje imena Oksford kod mene je uvek stvaralo asocijaciju na sedište jednog od najelitnijih univerziteta na svetu, mesto gde mladi kao hodočasnici svake školske godine dolaze u velikom broju po kvalitetno obrazovanje i svetski prestižnu diplomu. Kako za studente, tako i za profesore, Oksford p